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musical quality中文是什么意思

用"musical quality"造句"musical quality"怎么读"musical quality" in a sentence


  • 音品
  • 音色


  • On the musical quality of the modern painting art
  • Improving college students ' musical quality for campus culture
  • The role of computer music system in enhancing musical quality of primary and middle school students
  • A short lyric poem with distinct musical qualities , normally written to be set to music
  • The teaching of popular songs appreciation in the education of musical qualities in colleges and universities
  • Susie noticed that mrs . smith didn ' t have that familiar musical quality about her voice when she greeted someone
  • We can use his theory as reference in the process of improving children ' s musical quality and appreciation collectively
  • It ' s true that the fourth has a certain musical quality that you usually can ' t get on the third . . . again , you come to this balance thing
  • With a special musical quality as an important factor for a delight reading of the novel " regret for the past " , its senses of rhythm and beautiful melody make it a pleasant novel to read and listen to
  • Based on the profound musical quality , creative writing and special emotional experience , bai juyi has created a masterpiece " the song of pipa " which features most tellingly the performance and depiction of musical characteristics
    摘要深厚的音乐造诣、充分的创作试笔及特殊的情感经历造就了白居易之千古绝唱《琵琶行》 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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